
Saturday, August 19, 2006

Here's Yolko!

Here's Yolko!
Originally uploaded by ex posto facto.
It's tough to get these things to work together, but I've joined a pet website and, even though it's late in the month, I'm eager to get the word out that chickens are great companions...and the $1000 wouldn't be bad either. So go vote for Yolko-- a vote for her is a vote for entertaining poultry everywhere! Thank you for your support.

vote for Yolko!

src="http://media.petster.com/photos/26555/852-960-725-342-52994-thmb.jpg" border=1 width=50 height=50 align=left>

Vote for Yolko at Petster.com for the $1000 Petster of the month give away!