grandma blog/mail art blog
Clearly it's time for another blog for me. Drake is terrific and as his grandmother I'm totally interested in every little wrinkle in his tiny expressive face, but those reports and reflections do not belong in a mail art blog...I'll post Drake info somewhere else.
Meanwhile, I'm thrilled as ever with the mail that comes in. I'm sending out a whole bunch today and very little of it mentions Drake. No guarantee that will continue, but for now...
I'm going to send Ross Priddle 20 fluxus bucks for his Fluxus Canucks compilation project...sounds like a good one to me. Compilations are generally a whole lot of fun to get. I wonder why I've never attempted one of them myself? Probably because Fluxus Bucks and their unending documentation take enough time and attention--there's not a lot left over.
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