christmas is over...YAY!
I think I accidentally discovered how to get past the resistant screen that won't let me type in it--so I'm back!!! This came about by deciding to start a whole new blog and that still wouldn't allow me to make and entry.
I'm looking forward to the end of holiday madness at work--all the retail crazies on both sides of the counter have lost their charm. But that may be moot--I'm thinking I've got to search for my next job starting early next year.
Mail art drizzles in--I'm happy to see every odd envelope of it. What an amazing gift it is in my life. (A little holiday sentimentality comes creeping in there, sorry.) I do love my mail.
It's something I truly look forward to in 2005.
I've missed the mail over the holidays but nice to see the postie get a rest- porr man he must be worn out with all those cards and packets he had to lug round before crimble! Just one packet today from Anna Boschi in italy. a nice CD-ROM inside and a poster from the UMANA-UNITA mail art show she co-hosted with some other folks at Mostra Internazionale. Will take a look later.
the sun is stremaing in through the window and making it hard to see the keyboard! maybe a look round the sales today and see what bargains might be had.
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