
Wednesday, December 22, 2004

part time job, hello on the blog!

Look! I'm back. No telling for how long, but I've got it working today!

Still loving the stuff that Michael Leigh is doing to show off his massive and delightful mail art collection. I'm also still searching for an inexpensive but wonderfully functional digital camera to be able to do the same. Or a scanner, but I think a camera would be the funnest toy. I thought I'd found a good one for only $60 but it didn't really do the things it said it was supposed to so I returned it. Anybody out there know of a great digital camera that costs next to nothing and is easy to use? (I don't ask for much, do I?)

Mail art has slowed down a little although I did get to hear from Neosho, John Held Jr, Dale Spiers, Picasso Gaglione, CZ Lovecraft and a few others recently. I think the holidays are slowing ME down so I'm not surprised it's happening to others.

Speaking of holidays, have a happy!


At Wednesday, December 22, 2004, Blogger Ruud Janssen said...

The camera is the best for 'capturing images that are new'. But if you have a paper original, the scanner is the best to have. It gives an unique and very precise reproduction. I have used the scanner for most illustrations. But I confess, I do have 3 digital camera's, and at the College where I am a member of the staff we have a multimedia department that has the newest professional digital cameras (yes, those nikon's with high resolution, quick capturing of the image, etc.)

A hint for a cheap camera: try a second hand. They also have a low resolution. Something you need for images on the internet. I use for the Fluxus heidelberg Center an old Casio. The images are only 20 kbyte, and on www.fluxusheidelberg.org you can see how the photos look like (about 400 are placed there, see the performance section).


At Thursday, December 23, 2004, Blogger Unknown said...

welcome back julie, at last!!!
happy holidays too


At Saturday, December 25, 2004, Blogger Wastedpapiers said...

Hoorya! Thanks for nice comments Julie. Sony have some cheapish cameras I hear 150 dollars or so. Much cheaper in states than in England- they tax us up to the hilt here!
Like Ruud says a second hand low resolution one may be the best bet.People are upgradin g to these tiny fancy 15 megapixel ones and all you need is 1 megapixel really for blogging purposes.
Anyway, good to see you back. Wishing you and your family the best for Crimble and the New year!

At Tuesday, December 28, 2004, Blogger DrFluxbuxenstein said...

thanks friends! It's so great to BE back. I'll have to haunt some 2nd hand stores (which I love to do anyway).

My crimble is good. Yours?

At Thursday, December 30, 2004, Blogger Wastedpapiers said...

We had some snow. we hear you had some in Texas too? Swapatarium says a friend of hers in Houston made a tiny snowman and put it in her freezer!

At Thursday, December 30, 2004, Blogger DrFluxbuxenstein said...

A dude at my second job made me a wee snowman and put him on my bumper. I'm not sure when he flew off but he was gone when I got to my destination. The snow didn't last much longer than that...sorta great to see a little, though.


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