
Tuesday, December 28, 2004

tomorrow's my day off but I want to do mail art today!

Oh, well.

Yesterday I got over 20 pieces of mail out the door! Yay! I love dumping lots of mail in the mailbox over at the post office. I love checking my PO box and finding a ton of great mail stuffed in there. Yesterday it wasn't too packed, but it was good stuff. David Alvey, who lives just a city away, showed up with a mail art man in a "sorry we damaged this in the mail" and a stamp that said something about having sent it to the NIXIE DEPT. I love that! What the heck is a nixie dept? Do we all need one?


At Thursday, December 30, 2004, Blogger Wastedpapiers said...

The Nixie Dept. sounds like the place where they send the Nixed mail? they dont know where else to send it maybe?


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