
Saturday, April 23, 2005

Documentation = dog eating vomit?

On one of the online lists about mail art, I asked if there would be documentation of an old friend who doesn't seem real clear on some of the mail art concepts of exchange and one of the old timers--who actually knew Ray Johnson--GASP!--made the comment that documentation is like a dog eating its own vomit...

Since I think the documentation, as much as it's a pain in the ass, does a lot to expand the network and keep it alive. Some people think the network is dead or dying. maybe that's because they don't do documentation?

Or something. Comments?


At Monday, April 25, 2005, Blogger buZ blurr said...

I went to Paris again. Paris, Texas that is, on my way back from Waxahachie where I picked up my stuff from the Moniker show/Webb Gallery. Sort of a zig-zag trip. 1st to Tyler, then Waxa. Thought of dropping in on you on quailhollow but not sure if you're still there. And the cold scared me off too.

At Tuesday, April 26, 2005, Blogger Wastedpapiers said...

I dont see whats wrong with making some sort of note of what went where and who got what? I cant be bothered to do it myself but I certainly wouldnt discourage others from doing it. What i dont like is these mail art blogs that are self obsessed and document their own work and nobody elses - as if there is no exchange or collaboration going on- which is the whole point for me.

At Monday, May 09, 2005, Blogger Jassy Lupa said...

Hi there ex posto!

Being new to mailart, I found your documentation very helpful in making new contacts. Dogs apparently like the taste of their own vomit - or else they wouldn't eat it.

Everyone has an opinion , like everyone has an ___ ____.

I have been keeping personal documentation in my mailart journal because I can't remember things. The granny syndrome. What did I send to whom, when, and why? I mean sometimes I surprise myself on how much I have actually done! Clueless....and forgetful in Mouth of Wilson!

Also I have a spastic blog that I absolutely hate to update because I only have a dial-up connection and it literally takes HOURS to upload pictures. Also, once when I published a piece of mailart I received from another artist she jumped all over me for not getting her permission. She was really, really offended that I would take liberties with her mailart! I was shocked because I thought it was the highest compliment to want to show her work on my blog! So - I have avoided offending anyone else by publishing their work to my own blog! My blog is so outdated, I should probably destroy it!

I do love seeing my work show up on other people's blogs. I really do! To me that is one of the fun things about mailart in the modern age.


My second grandbaby was born a week ago and so I have been out of town for a couple weeks. The incoming mailart is stacked up high!!! The outgoing is non-existent! Yikes! But, what a glorious day that little girl was born! Do you want a copy of the birth story? That is about all the newly created stuff I have right now.

Take care granny - from granny2

At Thursday, July 07, 2005, Blogger Wastedpapiers said...

Come back Julie! Where is she?


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